Thursday, December 19, 2013

Two Months!

As of last Friday, you are two months old.  At two months old you are rocking 3-6 month clothes and some 6-9 month clothes.  You've upgraded to size 3 diapers, and you eat 4 oz of formula every 2-4 hours (sometimes more if you're going through a growth spurt).  At your well-visit on Monday you were measuring 24 inches long, 13 pounds 6 ounces, and had a head circumference of 16 inches!  You're officially as big as your big sister was at 4 months old!

What you're loving at the moment...
1. Fart noises
2. Going outside
3. When Daddy tickles you
4. The "Don't Worry, Be Happy" song
5. Walking around the house with Mommy or Daddy
6. Snuggling with Mommy
7. Christmas lights

What you're not digging lately...
1. Your sister
2. Being cold
3. When you can't figure out how to suck your thumb
4. Daddy's sneezes
5. Sudden, loud noises (see above ;) )
6. Your car seat

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