Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hello *wipes away cobwebs*

Anybody still here? *crickets*

Well I guess it's time for an update, since the last one was about 7 months ago... in December.  Yeah life got in the way.  I'm working full-time, I was doing school (didn't do so hot at that so it's on the back burner for now), juggling the house/relationship with A/running around after the two kids... but it's been all worth it :)

So I guess you'll want to know what's going on with the kids' lives. Right?

Lennon as one of her alter-egos, Grandma Riddle.
Lennon's been in pre-pre-kindergarten (redundant, I know) at a really great school my Grandpa found for her.  She loves it, I love it, her teachers are great.  We recently got an email that she's being bumped up to actual pre-kindergarten on August 4th... then after a year of that KINDERGARTEN!!!!  I'm totally not ready for her to go to public school, if it were possible I'd actually homeschool her.  She's about 42" tall and 38ish pounds (only 13 pounds heavier than Maddox !!).  When she's not at school she's either playing with her princess dolls and castle, or with Daddy and her Lego Movie legos.  She'll play with Maddox more now that he can actually interact with her toys, but I think she mostly does it because we ask her to.  She loves Frozen, The Lego Movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (if you ask her, Raphael is her favorite), cuddles, watermelon, and new clothes.

Hanging out in the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel

Maddox is 9 months old now - and about the size of a small 2 year old.  No joke, the kid is in 2T size clothes now... I seriously missed out on the baby stage with this one.  He's going to be playing football by the time he turns 2, defensive line.  At his appointment last week he was 24 pounds and 30" long with a 19" head.  So he's big and full of brains.  He's crawling EVERYWHERE and pulling himself up onto everything.  We can't have him completely mobile in the living room so he runs amuck in his walker, which is fine b/c then he can't turn the Xbox on and off about a million and a half times.  He's decided that naps are lame and staying up until 8-9pm being a complete crabby patty is the bees knees.  We did baby-led solids, which is working out great since I don't have to feed him THEN myself (totally selfish, but the kid hated purees anyway) or the rest of the family.  So far he's had : steak, pot roast, green beans, potatoes, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, lima beans, watermelon, chicken, taco meat, cheese, Cheerios, yogurt, popsicles, fudgesicles, turkey sandwich, cheese quesadilla, muffins, pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and a ton of other foods he's sampled off my plate.

And the last update I'll leave y'all with...

I'm pregnant... again.  Hush hush, yeah it was totally unexpected - considering I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 21 weeks along, thanks body - but it's welcome.  We've had time to adjust to the fact that we are adding another baby, another baby BOY in fact, to the circus.  I'm due at the end of September, and won't be releasing baby's name until then, so for now he shall be referred to as baby Tres :)

I'm completely miserable, have the WORST acid reflux I've had out of all 3 pregnancies, and I think this one just had a growth spurt b/c food is now a mortal enemy due to lack of room I've got going on.

But that's it for now, though I'd update all 6 of you who follow me on my life currently.

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